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Outcome Baised Education - OBE
  • In the pursuit of academic excellence and fostering a student-centric learning environment, our college has adopted the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) framework, led by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). This transformative approach aligns education with measurable outcomes, ensuring students acquire academic knowledge along with critical skills, attitudes, and competencies needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving global landscape. The OBE system emphasizes clarity of purpose in education by defining intended learning outcomes, focusing on what students are expected to know, do, and value at the end of their academic journey. It shifts the emphasis from traditional content delivery to achieving demonstrable results in student learning, bridging the gap between academic knowledge and real-world applications. The IQAC has played a pivotal role in driving this change by designing robust frameworks, engaging faculty, and integrating continuous feedback mechanisms. Implementing OBE ensures the institution remains committed to delivering quality education, fostering innovation, and meeting the aspirations of all stakeholders, including students, parents, faculty, and industry partners. Naipunnya School of Management (NSM) has adopted the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) framework to ensure students acquire specific competencies and skills essential for their academic, professional, and personal development. This report highlights the achievements, strategies, and improvements in implementing OBE during the academic year 2023-24. The OBE model focuses on clearly defined learning outcomes at the course, program, and institutional levels, ensuring students gain not only theoretical knowledge but also practical and holistic capabilities.


  • Course Outcomes (COs): During the academic year 2023-24, Course Outcomes (COs) were clearly defined for each course, ensuring alignment with the corresponding Program Outcomes (POs) and Program-Specific Outcomes (PSOs). The COs were designed to enable students to acquire the requisite knowledge, skills, and competencies upon successful completion of each course. Faculty members collaborated to ensure that the COs were effectively aligned with program-level objectives and the individual course content.
  • Program Outcomes (POs) and Program-Specific Outcomes (PSOs): Program Outcomes (POs): The overarching program outcomes, which describe the skills and attributes expected of students upon completing their programs, were reiterated at the beginning of each semester and seamlessly integrated into the curriculum. Program-Specific Outcomes (PSOs): Each program featured clearly articulated PSOs that outlined the specialized skills and knowledge unique to that program. These were incorporated into the curriculum and emphasized during faculty-student interactions.
  • Mapping of COs, POs, and PSOs: Throughout the 2023-24 academic year, a systematic mapping process was implemented to align course outcomes with program outcomes and program-specific outcomes. This mapping was regularly reviewed to ensure alignment and resolve discrepancies. A mapping matrix was made available to faculty, enhancing clarity and transparency in the OBE implementation process.
  • Bloom's Taxonomy Integration: The curriculum was developed using Bloom's Taxonomy as a framework to ensure the cognitive complexity of course objectives was reflected in assessments. Faculty members used appropriate action verbs from Bloom's Taxonomy to specify learning outcomes for each course and program, fostering a structured approach to student learning.
  • Rubrics and Assessment Methods: Rubrics were extensively employed to measure the attainment of course outcomes in both Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and End Semester Evaluation (ESE). These rubrics provided clear assessment guidelines, enabling faculty to maintain consistency and objectivity in evaluation.
  • Continuous Assessment and Feedback: The Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) was meticulously planned, incorporating two internal exams alongside multiple assignments, quizzes, and seminars aligned with the COs. Students received regular feedback, enabling them to track their progress and identify areas for improvement. This feedback mechanism significantly enhanced student learning and performance.
  • Indirect Assessment: Exit Surveys: Exit surveys conducted at the end of each semester allowed students to reflect on their achievement of the defined course outcomes. These surveys provided valuable insights into students' perceptions of their learning experiences and the attainment of course objectives.


  • CO Attainment and Gap Analysis
  • The assessment process for Course Outcomes (COs) involved both direct methods—such as Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and End Semester Evaluation (ESE)—and indirect methods. During the academic year 2023-24, a comprehensive gap analysis was conducted to evaluate discrepancies between the expected and actual levels of CO attainment. The findings from the gap analysis facilitated targeted interventions in teaching methodologies, curriculum design, and assessment strategies to bridge identified gaps
  • PO and PSO Attainment Monitoring
  • The attainment of Program Outcomes (POs) and Program-Specific Outcomes (PSOs) was systematically monitored by mapping COs to POs and PSOs. Regular review meetings involving faculty members, program coordinators, and the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) were held to track progress, ensure alignment with program objectives, and identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Insights from assessments and feedback mechanisms—including CIE, ESE, and exit surveys—were thoroughly analyzed to guide enhancements in teaching, learning, and assessment practices. Based on the results of the gap analysis, targeted actions were implemented to improve student engagement and ensure higher levels of CO attainment.


  • Clearly define learning outcomes for each course. (If not provided by the university)
  • Align curriculum with the defined learning outcomes.
  • Use diverse teaching methods to support active learning.
  • Design assessments that measure student achievement of outcomes.
  • Provide regular feedback to students on their progress.
  • Offer support and resources for faculty development in OBE practices.
  • Monitor student performance and adjust teaching strategies as needed.
  • Foster collaboration among faculty members to share best practices.
  • Engage students in self-assessment and reflection on their learning.
  • Continuously evaluate and improve OBE implementation based on feedback.


  • The PO-PSO-CO statements are published and disseminated using the following methods.
  • Distributed along with syllabus.
  • Course faculty explains during introduction of course to students at the beginning of each semester.
  • Displayed in college/department notice boards.
  • Uploaded in college website -


  • Upon formulation of Course Outcomes (COs), they are systematically mapped to the Program Outcomes (POs) and Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) of the academic program. This mapping process is overseen by the course coordinator, and subsequently reviewed by a programme coordinator. The programme coordinator consolidates the COs of each respective semester course and maintains documentation of CO attainment. These records are then handed over to the Head of the department for evaluation of PO attainment at the end of each semester after university results are published. The entire process is conducted under the guidance of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). For effective mapping, COs are aligned with both Program Outcomes (Pos) and Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) through matrices. Each CO is correlated with relevant POs and PSOs according to the level of correlation:
  • "-" signifies No Correlation
  • "1" indicates Slight (Low) Correlation
  • "2" indicates Moderate (Medium) Correlation
  • "3" indicates Substantial (High) Correlation

Annual Reports

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